Tag Archives: Le Bataclan

My Bloody Valentine – Le Bataclan, Paris (5th June 2013)

We were a little tired post Stone Roses at La Cigale but I was still looking forward to seeing My Bloody Valentine as I’d heard such good reviews. They are more my other half’s taste than mine if I’m honest. I am a late-comer to listening to them and  at first I will admit to just thinking it was ‘noise’ (how very dare I?) when I was first introduced. I soon realised there was more to them than that. Himself had seen them in Bradford whilst at uni many years ago. He’d always maintained that this was one of the best gigs he’d ever been to, so I was keen to experience them. I was a little apprehensive having checked them out on youtube and also heard stories about how deafening they are. I’ve been to a lot of gigs, many of them really loud and am accustomed to the feedback experience of Sonic Boom so I thought I should be ok really.

Le Bataclan was packed, they are obviously popular here in France. You were given earplugs on entering and there were signs in various places telling where you could get them from for free if you required them. You did require them. The atmosphere was of anticipation.

The stage was ready for them. There looked to be about 12 guitars for Kevin Shields and LOTS of amps, it looked like it might be a little loud. They entered stage, a quick Bonsoir and then started with ‘I only said’ then ‘When you sleep’. I knew these tracks, so for me, these were perfect openers and exceptional. A wall of sound, beautiful sound and you could just about hear Bilinda’s soft vocals through the layers of guitar, drums, bass, a quite incredible sound.

Most people wore earplugs, you had to, you could do a few minutes without but the sound really is hard to describe. I was and still am a little dumbstruck as to how to explain how the music makes you feel (I say feel, meaning physically too as my insides felt as if they were trembling), it is so powerful. The visuals and the sound together are quite hypnotising.

They did do a long set, there were lots of people madly dancing looking like they were in a world of their own. The music is for the individual I think. You do become trance-like. It was quite breath-taking. Or perhaps not just for the individual, some of the music is romantic – sexy almost, it works for lovers too. There’s just layers and layers of music, all of which is delivered faultlessly, there’s just audible lyrics underneath or dancing around the music.

It was bloody loud but deliberate and for a reason. The band seemed as if they had arrived or were here to prove something. This music hasn’t dated and the new tracks they did play fitted perfectly within the set I thought. ‘New You’ and ‘Who Sees You’ were excellent. I didn’t get all of the tracks and I’ll admit I did sometimes struggle to recognise some. The wall of sound could sometimes be just that to me, only occasionally. Maybe you need to be a hardcore fan. I do enjoy the beauty of the almost hidden singing but sometimes it frustrates me.

I did recognise ‘Soon’, ‘Feed Me With Your Kiss’ (as well as the others I’ve already mentioned), these were sublime. ‘You made me realise’ – impossible to be without earplugs for this, was stunning as the set finish. The crowd didn’t want this to end. That was the end, no encore.

How were my ears? Well, I was awestruck, dumbstruck a little deaf for a short while and I did get a headache. I think because it was a mental experience. I don’t think there another band quite like My Bloody Valentine, that’s my conclusion. They are such accomplished musicians. They looked to put their heart and soul into the performance. The drummer looked exhaustedly happy. The whole band looked really pleased with the reception.

On another note I think Kevin Shields should really do something with his hair, Bilinda Butcher looks really good.

A crazy experience!


Mental visuals
